Saturday, March 24, 2012


I turned out the lights. I sat on my bed and watched the shadows dance on my walls. I waited and waited and then I saw him sitting on my bed. His shadow formed and he took off his top hat.

“Hello brother,” I said
“Hello sister,” he said.
“I saw those shadows things in school today. They take the shapes of humans but they do not have faces,”
“Those are the shadow people,”
“Where do they come from?”
“The nightmares and negative emotions from the students in your school. They are created by students who feel hopeless in school,”
“There a lot,”
“There are a lot of them,”
“They look scary,”
“They are supposed to be. They are created by fear,”
“They were everywhere in the hallways,”
“They are in every hallway in every school, including the young ones,”
“Young ones?”
“Yes, the elementary school children,”
“That young?”
“That is when they start to take form, although there are many in high school then they decrease in colleges, but they are still there,”
“They were playing that game today,”
“The hanging game?”
“Yes, they kept hanging themselves,”
“It’s the only game they know,”
“How do they play it?”
“They hang themselves until the last one dies, but they can’t die so they can play it over and over again,”
“Can they hurt humans?”
“Not physically, but emotionally,”
“What about you?”
“I am different from the shadow people. I was once a living person, remember?”
“We were in the womb together,”
“I know,”
“Do you remember?”
“No, do you?”
“I killed you,”
“I know. Your umbilical cord strangle me,”
“Do you hate me?”
“No. If I hated you I would not be here,”
“You are here on orders,”
“Why did I survive? This is cruel,”
“One of us had to survive,”
“One of his children had to survive,”
“I do not understand my mission,”
“You a key part in his plan,”
“What plan?”
“Even I do not know. You are neither a human nor a God,”
“Then what am I?”
“I do not know,”
“A demigod?”
“There is no such thing, that was created by human myths. To explain things they could not explain,”
“Sometimes I wish we switched places and I was the one who died,”
“I sometimes feel the same way, but it can not be helped,”
“Will I ever see father?”
“No. No living thing can see him. They can sense him, but not see him,”
“Is he evil?”
“No. He’s just there. He is neither good nor bad,”
“I never had a father,”
“That was planned. Because he is your only father,”
“Will you always be there for me?”
“I will always protect you,”
“They say I’m crazy,”
“Maybe you are,”
“No I am not. You are sitting in front of me,”
“But no one else can see me,”
“But I see you, so you must be real,”
“I guess,”
“Do you believe you are here?”
“Then you are here,”
“But only you can see me. Does that prove I am here?”
“You will always watch over me right?”
“Yes, even when you can not see me,”
“Will you be with me tomorrow at school?”
“Yes, I will protect you from those teachers who do not believe in you,”
“I will tell you what to do. You will make them miserable. Revenge is a wonderful thing,”
“Indeed it is, good night. I love you brother,”
“I love you too sister,”

He started to sing about our father and petted my head. Before I knew it, I fell asleep in his arms.

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