Friday, March 2, 2012


2038: Noah Dues, a candidate running for President of the United States of America is elected. He ran for a third party known as the Freedom party. He won the election by a landslide. He promised health, better education, wealth, and more to the people.

2040: President Dues passed the New Alien Act, College $ Act, Fair Education Act, and more. Now illegal immigrants gain citizenship, more students attend college despite money, and every child gets a fair education. Everyone is happy and pleased with these new acts.

2042: President Deus is elected again by a landslide. He continues to pass more acts and laws, which every citizen of the United States do not argue against. President Deus continues to bring fairness, health, and money to the people. Everyone is still happy, both young and old. Those who are old can retire and young people are getting jobs due to President Deus.

2045: President Deus is seen as a hero and no one can measure up to him. He brought happiness to the United States and made us the most powerful country on Earth. People want him to run a third term and so does Congress. President Deus agrees to run for a third term for the people.

2046: The Republican Party died out. The Freedom Party that was once a third party is now a first party. Now the parties are The Freedom and The Democrats. Noah Deus against Reuben Inverno. President Deus wins without difficulties.

2049: Congress and the House of Representatives became corrupt. President Deus and the United States military attacked Congress and House of Representatives. President Deus put people in Congress and House of Representatives whom he saw fit. The people of the United States knew that there was corruption but now realize that President Deus has full control of the government. Near the end of 2049, President Deus attacked the judicial branch and put his own people in their place. He now controls everything.

2050: The people rebelled but due to President Deus having military power, the people lost. The 2nd Civil War lasted for 6 months but was pointless. Without leadership, there was no way the people could win. By December of 2050, President Deus declared himself Emperor of the United States by the right of God.

2052: Emperor Deus changed the name “United States of America” to “Deus”. Military burned religious and history texts. Emperor Deus created a new currency, pledge of alligance, flag, religion, and history.

2055: At the age of 61, Emperor Noah Deus died on March 15th 2055. His son, Abraham “Abe” Deus takes over the country. The first thing that Emperor Abe Deus does is passed the Isolation Act. This Act said that no citizen was allow to leave the country without the permission of the Emperor and are only allowed to leave for a short time. However, due to our power many immigrants from poor countries want to move in. Deus allows them to come with open arms. Very few leave the country but many enter for wealth and health care.

2056: Canada, France, and Great Britain declare war on Deus and vow to bring back democracy. Deus received help from China, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, and Brazil. Many young men sign up to fight for Deus and the Emperor and those who are too young sign up to attend military academies and wait until they are of age to fight. Even men as old as 50 want to help and fight. This was the start of World War III.

2060: Canada surrender. Deus destroyed all the villages, towns, and cities in Canada. The Canadians were sent to prisons as prisoners of war. Emperor Abe Deus annexed Canada to Deus and made it a wasteland. Canada became known as Carcerem, also known as the Prison Land. The country sent all their criminals to Carcerem. Carcerem held all different types of criminals from drug dealers to prisoners of war to muerders. The prisons held men, women, and children. The Children’s Ward held children as young as three months old and by the time they can walk, trained them to work.

2070: World War III ended. Deus and the other countries won by using nuclear weapons on Great Britain and France along with any other countries that aided them. Just like with Canada, Deus took the citizens and sent them to Carcerem. Deus made France and Great Britain colonies of Deus. Citizens from Deus were now allowed to leave the motherland and go to the colonies and start their businesses and work.

2071: By force, Emperor Abe Deus annexed Mexico. Children in Mexico were sent to boarding schools in the motherland to learn English and the culture. By doing this, Mexico lost their culture. People started to move into what was once known as Mexico. Mexican culture was discouraged and anyone seen practicing their religion or customs were sentence to public death.

2075: Deus controlled all of North and Central America. By this time, Brazil controlled all of South America. Deus and Brazil signed a peace treaty. Brazil had to adapt Deus culture and make their official language English, not Portuguese. Many children from rich families in Brazil were sent to Deus to learn the language and culture.

2085: Deus has colonies:
1st colony (once known as Great Britain). Capital: Noah
2nd colony (once known as France). Capital: Dios
3rd colony (once known as Japan). Capital: Abraham
4th colony (once known as Hong Kong). Capital: Isaac

2090: Deus gained colonies in parts of Africa and the Middle East. Europe signed a peace treaty that Deus will not attack or invade Europe, however, Europeans must speak and understand English and the European countries must pay money to Deus each year. Or else: War.

2100: Spain and Portugal refused to pay Deus. Both countries were attack by three atomic bombs. Both countries gave in to Deus and Deus created 5th and 6th colony. The citizens were sent to Carcerem. By this time, Carcerem is all of Canada, Alaska, and some northern states. However, many people have moved to one of the many colonies. Due to the prisons being over crowded, many criminals were sentence to death to make room. They were chosen at random and it did not matter why they were there or their age and gender. They were just prisoners.

2102: At the age of 78, Abe Deus died and his son, Isaac Deus took over on September 18th 2102: My 100th birthday.

The people who are in the prisons are so down, unhappy, and separated, that many of them feel like this is the end of civilization. Those who are citizens of Deus feel like this is the beginning of civilization, but they are wrong. Once Isaac takes over, it gets worse for everyone and all the people who were on Earth will vanish under his rule: Including myself.

- Random citizen of Deus; Died September 30th 2102.

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