Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Man with the Red Eyes

Once upon a time, as all fairytales start out, there was a young boy who saw the good in the world. He always did what he was told both at school and at home and was the light in everyone’s hearts.
While walking home from school one day, John found a hidden path and discovered a man sitting on a rock. The man was reading a book with a red cover and did not pay any attention to John. John just stared at the man and noticed that the man had bright red eyes.
“Sir?” asked John, but the man paid no attention to the boy. When John was beginning to leave, the man said, “How are your grades?” Although John was a bright child, he had a lot of difficulties in the academic areas and as he was talking, the man only nodded. When John began to leave, the man said nothing more.
The next day John took his friend, Mark to see the man. Mark was a chubby boy with big round glasses. When the two spotted the man, Mark went straight up to the man, pushed back his glasses, and started a conversation about history with the man.
“How are your grades?” asked the man.
“Average. B’s and A’s.” replied Mark. The man patted Mark on the head and when Mark turned around to leave, he fell, dead.
John stood over his friend’s body and looked up at the man who only continued to read his book. John was very curious about this “magic” and wanted to see it again. So the next day he found his friend Matthew. Matthew was a skinny kid, tall for his age, and had very bright blonde hair. When the two saw the man, Matthew had a conversation with him about mathematics, which was Matthew’s favorite subject.
“How are your grades?” asked the man.
“All A’s,” replied Matthew and the man patted him on the head. As Matthew turned around to leave, he fell, dead.
John was now more interested than ever and wanted to see the magic be done one more time. This time, he got his friend Mary. When the two found the man, Mary took great interest in the book and started a conversation about literature.
“How are your grades?” asked the man. Unlike the two children before her, Mary was just as terrible in school as John was. While talking to the man, Mary took notice of his eyes. When Mary turned around to leave, she rushed to John and pushed him to the ground and ran home. The man than put his hand on top of John’s head.
“Wait! Please!” yelled John but then he went quiet.
When the three boys went missing for a long time, Mary took the authorities to the place where the man was, but once they got there, the man was gone, the rock that he sat upon was gone, and all three boys were never seen again, as was the man with the red eyes.

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