Sunday, June 3, 2012

Rescue: A Dog's Tale

            You think I forgot, but in reality I remember everything, starting from when I was very young.  I remember my mother and my brothers and sisters and how we played together and slept together next to our mother.
            Although we were happy and always bouncing with joy, the time came when we no longer wanted to be with our mother, but instead wanted to make a family happy.  At night while we slept, we dreamed about our new home and the humans who we will be sharing our wonderful life with. 
            As days went on, each one of us was taken home, hoping for a perfect family who will love us forever.  We did not care if we were taken to a house or an apartment.  If the family was big with kids or just a bachelor or bachelorette who wanted a partner to keep them company.  The only thing we wanted was a place to call home.
            Eventually, just like my brothers and sisters, a family choose to take me home.  They were a young couple and they gave me a name that I was honor to have.  I licked their faces and promised them (although they could not understand me) that I would always love them, protect them, and make them happy. 
            As years went on, we ran through some rough times (such as house training) and some wonderful times (like going on long walks) and as each time passed, I loved it all.  I was happy and had a wonderful home.  I thought that I would stay with you forever and that no matter what, you would be at my side. 
            But then I needed medication and you decided that you could not afford it.  For years I stood by your side and when I needed you the most, you decided to take me somewhere.  I sat in the back of the car, not knowing what was going through your heads.  I was wondering if you were taking me to the vet or a friend’s house.  Instead you took me to a shelter and said your good-byes to me.  I watched you leave, wondering when you would come back to pick me up. 
            A stranger put me in a cage and it was a very small and cold cage compared to my big and warm house.  I laid down, waiting for you to come get me.  The stranger who put me in the cage looked at me with sad eyes. 
“I’m sorry buddy,” he said and wrote something on my cage and left for the night.  It was dark, cold, and small.  But even though I was in that cage, I still told myself that you were coming back.  That no matter what, you were going to come back.
            Early the next morning, a young lady came in and saw me.  She talked to the man who put me in the cage last night and the man seemed happy to see her.  They opened my cage and the lady petted me.  I gave her a smile and wagged my tail.  I was telling her that even though my humans left me, I was going to be okay because they were going to come back. 
            The man then gave the lady a leash and she attached it to my collar.  She took me outside in the cold morning air and put me in the back of her car.  She smiled at me, which seemed both happy and sad.  I thought she was going to take me to my humans but instead she took me to a small house and put me in another cage. 
            Although I was back in a cage the lady came by everyday and allowed me to play outside with other dogs, although they were much younger then me.  That was when I realized that you were not coming back.  The others and I talked to each other about our “old” humans and the others informed me that you were not going to come back.  At first I told myself that it was not true, but eventually I learned that you were not coming back and I became very sad. 
            I lay down in my cage and was wondering what I did wrong.  Did you love me?  Did you miss me?  What did I do wrong?  You had me for almost ten years and just like that, you left me.  Although I knew you were not coming back, deep in my heart, I was hoping that you would change your mind and come back for me. 
            Months went by and I still lived in the cage along with the other dogs that I became very fond of.  But many of them found new homes and I started to think that for the rest of my life I would be stuck in a cage because of my age.  But then one day a woman and her college daughter arrived at the shelter. 
            The daughter was looking for a younger dog, but once she saw me, she said I was perfect!  I licked her face and her mother’s and let them pet me.  I really wanted to get out of that cage.  I knew that deep down in the daughter’s heart that she was sad and when she took me home, I knew why.  The daughter just lost a dog that she had for fourteen years. 
            When I discovered why she was sad, I went up to her and lay down next to her feet while she was watching TV.  I told her that I know you are sad because you lost a companion and a friend.  I bet you loved your dog very much.  I lost my humans and I became very sad because I loved them and they gave me away but now I need someone to make me happy. 
            Many months passed and the whole family loves me.  Although I live in a new house, with a new backyard and a new family I still dream about my old home with my old family.  Although they gave me away, I want them to know that I will never forget them and I will always miss them.  But now this girl needs me and I found a purpose in my life once again, to become a companion and friend.  And somehow I know that this family and I will not separate, not until death comes to get me.  But for now, I wish for you to know that I am happy and I love my new life but even though you gave me away, I love you too.  

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