Friday, April 6, 2012


            I followed the light towards the end, where I saw him.  When I saw his face and the light behind him I bowed.
“My Lord,” I said to him and he lifted me up so that I could stand and face him face to face. 
“You are Peter Hawthorne, are you not?” he asked in a soft, calm voice with a smile on his face, yet he seemed sad.
“Yes, my Lord,” I responded. 
“Come with me.  You will be judge.  May I ask, how do you view your life?”
“I was a good man.  Obeyed the laws of your Father.  I was loyal to the Church and spreading your message about love,”
“Love?  Do you believe you should enter my Father’s kingdom?”
“I believe so but that is up to you, my Lord,”
“Look,” he said and I look to see that we were in my hometown.  The town I lived in as a baby, child, and young adult.  The town where I grew up. 
“Follow me,”
“Where are we going my Lord?”
“School,” and before I knew it we were in my high school and the Lord took me to one of my classes. 
“Do you remember?” he asked.
“Yes, this was my math classroom.  There’s Mr. Koch my algebra teacher!  He was also the coach of the basketball team.  He was a nice and intelligent man, although I was not good at math.  History was my thing,” The Lord smiled as I talked about the good things about Mr. Koch and how he was a great role model. 
“Do you remember him?” he asked pointing at the front of the room and I looked to see a boy sitting down.  I immediately recognized him with his glasses, trim blond hair, dark brown eyes, jeans, and his polo shirt. 
“Andrew,” I said looking at the boy. 
“Yes,” said the Lord.
“He was good at math, very smart.  A geek is what we called them.  He liked to spend time alone and often at home.  He never went to parties or social outings,”
“You are not telling me everything,” and the Lord and I walked back into town and it quickly became night.  In the middle of town, my friends and I were smoking and I knew what was coming. 
            My friends and I stole spray paint from the painting shop and went to Andrew’s house.  On his driveway we spray painted “faggot” and “an abomination”.  One of my friends had eggs with him and threw them at the car.  We were smoking and laughing. 
“Do you remember whose idea this was?” asked the Lord.
“It was mine, my Lord,” I told him but I did not feel guilt.
“In the bible it says that man sleeping with man is against the law.  I did what I had to so that he could feel ashamed and maybe get help.”
“The bible was written by people.  Some parts were written before I was alive.  Men wrote the bible, not me or my Father,”
“I don’t understand, my Lord,”
“Did I ever teach violence or to cause pain?”
“No, my Lord.  You taught us to forgive and to love one another,”
“Then why could you not love Andrew as I loved my children?”
“My Lord?”
“I created Andrew in my image.  There was nothing wrong with him.  There is nothing wrong for a man to sleep with a man or a woman to sleep with a woman,”
“But the bible,”
“Was written by men.  I taught love, yet people like you could not love Andrew for who he was.  Every pain that Andrew felt, I also felt.  I listened to his prayers and his pain and I loved him because he was close to me.  While you torture him, I watched over him because he is my friend and my Father’s son.  I kept giving him signs that there was nothing wrong with him and that I truly loved him.  It’s people like Andrew, who feel pain and torture, who are the closes thing to my love,”
“My Lord?”
“Your act made me sad and upset.  You are not the only one.  Many like you make me sad and cry for my Father’s children,”
“Where is Andrew now?”
The scene changed to a senior citizen housing and I saw and older version of Andrew talking with men with books in their laps.  Then a woman came in with three children of all ages.  A boy with a college jacket, a girl with a high school T-shirt, and a younger boy wearing the same high school T-shirt.  The woman and her children hugged and kissed him.  Then another young man came in, also wearing a college jacket and went up and kissed the oldest grandchild. 
“They love each other?” I asked speaking to myself.
“Yes and they will be married within a couple of years, although they do not know it yet.  You can feel their love can you?  It is no different then a love between a man and a woman, now is it?”  He was right, I could feel their love and all I could do was cry because I could not see it in my life. 
“We must move on,” said the Lord.
            We walked back into the light and then I saw a land of what seemed like a desert.  I saw army men and tanks.  I knew where we were because I was there for five years.
“Iraq.  This was the war after 9/11,”
“Yes.  Come, I believe you are in this place,” and I followed him to where I was sitting with my army friends.  We were eating our meals, talking and laughing.  I knew what we were saying, as if it was yesterday. 
“You are joking.  But terrible jokes about the people of Iraq,” said the Lord.
“Yes because they do not believe in you.  They believe in another God and a man named Muhammad,”
“They do believe in me.  Not the way you do, but they acknowledge me.  Let us go to their place of worship,” and then the scene changed to the town and we entered the Mosque.  There were men, women, and children praying.  I knew what was going to happen. 
            My friends and I went into the Mosque and opened fired.  We did not aim at the people, but at their altar or what seemed like an altar.  We made the people leave and then we set the Mosque on fire.  We went up to the people and forced the men to take off their turbans and the women to show their faces.  My friends and I laughed during the whole time. 
“Where is your God?” we asked them.  But they stood there and cried.  Some got down on their knees and put their heads to the ground to pray.  My friends and I kicked them and made them get up.  Told them to stop praying to a God that was not there. 
“Were you ordered to do this?” asked the Lord.
“No, my friends and I did it to teach them a lesson,” I told him.
“And what lesson was this?”
“That there is only one God and you are his Son.  Our savior,” We turned back to the scene and we watched as my friends and I raised a cross. 
“Why did you do this?”
“It was necessary so that they understood your teachings and that our religion is the right one,”
“You misunderstood again.  I never taught violence, only peace and kindness.  If you wanted to teach them about my teachings, you should have done it peacefully but you did not have to disrespect their religion and way of life.  What about if it was the other way around?” The Lord got up and bent down near a female child, whose headdress was taken off by force.  The girl looked no more than ten years old. 
“She is crying out of fear.  You and your friends thought that I was with you.  Instead I was with these people.  You said they worship another God, but the truth is, it is the same God, just a different way.  I was here with them, listening to their pain and suffering.  Although they do not know it, I held them in my arms.  I shared their sadness.  These people are my Father’s children as well.  They were close to me, so they are close to my Father,”
The Lord got up and I followed him to a different time period, but the same place.  It was more advance and the Mosque was rebuilt.  We went inside and the Lord sat down next to an elder lady.  It was the little girl, but now older.  After saying her prayers, she got up and went outside but waited and then a little boy came out and smiled at her.  The Lord and I followed them to a house.  The old woman knocked on the door and an elderly couple opened the door and inside was another boy, but I could tell that this family was not Muslim.  The two boys smiled at each other and they took each other’s hand and went inside. 
“Despite everything she went through as a child, she learned to love.  She followed the teaching of my Father, who she calls ‘Allah’.  Yet she learned to forgive and love her enemies.  Even now, her grandson’s best friend is a Christian boy.  Look,” said the Lord and I turned around to see the town.  The Mosque was next to the Church and on the other side of the Mosque was a Temple.  Yet the people outside in the town were happy, laughing, talking, and telling stories and jokes.  The town showed love for everyone and I was able to feel it. 
“Even those who do not go to Church every Sunday or go to their place of worship still learn to love,” I saw the happiness of the people and they did not care if they were of different religions or if they had any religion at all. 
“There is more, come,” said the Lord and I followed him. 
            We were in a classroom and I recognized as one of my classrooms when I became a teacher.  I worked at a private school that was located next to the Church.  I taught religion and history in the class.  My students were fifth and sixth graders. 
“Do you remember what you taught them?”
“To love you and follow your teachings,”
“That is true, but not on this day,” We listen to my lecture and I heard myself tell them that America was God’s land and that we need to take it back from those who do not believe in him. 
“Why?” asked the Lord.
“America is God’s nation.  ‘One nation, under God’,”
“That was created by men, not me nor my Father.  Do you remember why the settlers came to this continent?”
“They were being persecuted in England by the Church of England,”
“They came here to be free.  Religious freedom, am I wrong?”
“No, my Lord,”
“Then why will you not allow others to find religious freedom from those who persecute them?”  I was silent because I could not respond, “This is not my land.  I never called this my land.  I created this land for freedom for all.  That is why I created people such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Fredrick Douglas, Martin Luther King Jr., and many more.  This land is not just freedom for people, but for religion as well.  A place where everyone is safe and can live in peace.  Yet, even in this place I created to keep people safe is not a safe place.  How can you call this my land, my nation, if I was never here and if there were people here before the settlers,”?
“The Natives.  They believed in ‘The Great Spirit’ and had their own religion.  Although they called him by a different name, he was still my Father.  They respected the Earth and every living creature.  My Father and I loved them very much for their respect.  We gave this land to them.  However, the Puritans in England were sad so we answered their prayers to come here.  But then they just repeated what they did in England.  It’s a cycle that humans can never stop.  This is not my land.  This is not my nation.  I did not create this place for that.  ‘This is God’s nation’, it makes me very sad,”
            The scene changed from my classroom to a town I had never been to.  I saw a group of kids get in a car and we follow the car to the capital.  I recognized the kids as my students, but they were older.  High school students.  They got out of their car with signs that said ‘One Nation Under God’. 
“I tried to save them, but I could not,” said the Lord. 
“I do not understand,” I told him. 
“These teenagers are a few of the students you taught.  They thought they followed me, but they did not.  You made them leave me and they became lost sheep.  I tried to get them to come back to me but they never did.  Today, they continue to teach what you taught them,” I watched my older students protest in the capital and I saw people watch them and shake their heads.  The Lord walked towards a man with a crucifix around his neck. 
“This man is a priest.  Catholic,” the Lord said.  I watch him made the sign of the cross and shook his head as he watched my students. 
“Besides being a priest, he is a catchiest.  He teaches what you did not teach,”
“And what was that, my Lord,”
“Love.  This man understands my teachings.  He was a good child and now a good man.  I blessed him although he does not know it.  Your students thought I was with them, but instead I was with this priest, sharing his pain and sadness.  Besides blessing this priest, I also blessed his students and his students learned tolerance and love.  Your students do not,”
“What happened to them?  My students, as adults?” I asked the Lord.
“They grew up, had families, and continued what you taught them.  Some of their children continued your teachings; others were lucky to see that it was wrong.  The cycle continues,”
            Next thing I knew were back were we started.  Where I met the Lord and first saw his face with the light behind.  From watching my life and what I had done, I learned that I was not the good man I thought I was.  I was disappointed with myself and everything I learned was wrong.  Hatred and violence was wrong and I should had learn to love everyone despite who they were and their beliefs and thoughts. 
“I repent,” I said but the Lord did not change his expression and continued to look at me with a sad face. 
“I repent,” I repeated. 
“I know you repent.  But I have already judge you,”
“What about the good in me?  I taught and was active in my Church,”
“You were, but you did not teach my ‘real’ teaching,” I got down on my knees because I knew I could do nothing.  I repented, but I learned that it was not good enough especially since I was dead. 
“You are forgiven,” said the Lord but I still felt terrible.
“What is the final judgment?” I asked without looking into his face.
“You are not evil enough to enter hell,” and I felt a heavy weight that was on my chest lifted.  I was glad that my soul was not evil enough for the devil, “However, your spirit is not pure enough for my Father’s kingdom,” and once he said that my heart sank. 
“What will happen to me?” I asked the Lord and then I saw that we were back on Earth but this time we were in a Temple, but not a Jewish temple.  This temple was a Buddhist temple and there were people worshipping Buddha.  I followed the Lord to a small boy dressed in dirty clothes and I could tell that he did not bath in a very long time.
“This boy has no name.  He has no family.  He has a lot of sadness and hatred in him.  Muslims killed his parents.  I want you to watch over this boy.  You will share is happiness and pain.  I want you to help him learn to love.  He cannot see, hear, or touch you.  Eventually, you will see how you can help him.  I leave him in your care,”
“My Lord, how long must I stay with this boy?”
“Until his death and I will tell you, that my Father plans for him to live a long and fulfilling life.  If he is to die before that time or die without love and happiness, you will be assign to a different person.  Until you can help someone learn to love others, you will never enter my Father’s kingdom and you will be stuck here for all eternity.  I wish you the best of luck.  Remember I will be with you, but I will not see you until it is time for the boy to be judge,” and he disappeared. 

            The last thing I remembered was that there was an explosion.  I kept walking until the bright light ended and I saw his face, with the light behind him.  Then I knew that the bombing work and that I succeeded!  I got on my knees and bowed to him.
“There is only one God and Muhammad is his messenger,” I said to him. 
“We have a long journey, come with me,” and I followed him. 

“Until Love can be found, the cycle of Hatred will continue,”

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Special Needs

            I was at a party in August of 2014, just before the school year was about to start.  I was celebrating with the other young teachers and my close friends in my work area.  I was done with the lesson plans for the school year and we just wanted to leave summer with a blast.  Just like the students in school, us teachers were celebrating the end of summer.  We wanted to teach, but we also knew that it would be five days per week of our personal time and we would do anything for our students.  We celebrated until early the morning and the next thing I knew I woke up on my friend’s couch.  That was when my phone rung. 
“This is Jake Cauliflow,” I said as I answered my cell phone, surprised to see that it was six in the morning. 
“Mr. Cauliflow I am Mr. Lee, your parents lawyer,”
“Yes.  I’m sorry to tell you but your parents died earlier this morning,”

            I was sitting in a room with my aunt and uncle along with my parent’s lawyer.  The lawyer took out an envelope and told us how sorry he was for our lost.  My parents left me money and some of their belongings.  The other stuff from when they were children were going to be given to my aunt and uncle. 
“There is one more subject,” the lawyer said and this was what we were all waiting to hear, “the guardianship of Alice Cauliflow, age sixteen,”
“We will take her,” said my aunt but I wanted to the lawyer to finish what my parents said in their will. 
“According to the late Mr. and Mrs. Cauliflow, the guardianship of Alice is left to their son, Jake Cauliflow,” said Mr. Lee. 
“Absurd,” my aunt said in a low voice. 
“Mr. and Mrs. Cauliflow would want Alice to live with her closes relative which in this case is Mr. Jake Cauliflow.  They never wanted the children to be separated,” said Mr. Lee.
“Jake is young and he’s been teaching for only five years and he lives in an apartment.  He cannot take care of Alice.  My husband and I have raised two daughters and have one at home who can help take care of Alice and she studied how to help children with autism.  We should be the guardians of Alice for her own good,” I said nothing.  My aunt was right.  Alice and I would not be a good fit. I barely make ends meet and I do not have the money for Alice’s special needs but I also wanted to respect my parent’s decision. 
“Mr. Cauliflow?” asked Mr. Lee.  Everyone was silent.
“I will take care of her.  She is my sister,”
“Don’t do this Jake, she has special needs that you cannot afford,” said my uncle. 
“It is my parent’s wish.  She will live with me.  She is my sister,”
            Mr. Lee took me to the facility that Alice was in since our parent’s death.  We walked into the playing room where Alice was by herself doing finger painting with an aide.  I slowly walked over to Alice and her aide smiled at me.
“Alice you have a visitor,” she said but Alice did not acknowledge my presences.  The aide nodded at me to talk.
“Alice, it’s me Jake, your brother.  You’re going to live with me,”
“Mom and dad,” she said. I looked at the aide for help.
“Alice, mommy and daddy are gone.  They’re dead but they are with God.  God will take care of them,” Alice just kept on painting and ignored everyone. 
“You can stay with her.  I’ll go get her stuff,” said the aide and I sat down next to Alice to see what she was drawing. 
“It’s nice,” I said although I could not make anything out.  The painting was all different colors, mix together.  There was nothing.  I did not know how much Alice understood that mom and dad were gone. 
            I took Alice’s bag and she grabbed my arm.  We walk inside the lobby and went into the elevator.  Once we got to the third floor, we walked out and went to room 203. 
“Alice this is your new home.  Do not forget okay.  Listen to me; you live at 72 Ridgewood Road, Ridgewood NJ, in apartment 203.  Remember okay,” She did not respond but kept staring at the door.  I took out my keys and opened the door. 
“There is only one bedroom, so you will have to sleep on the couch alright?” I asked her but again she did not respond.  She walked in and went to the window and stared out to see the plaza and the cars going by on the street. 
“Are you hungry?  You have not eaten since this morning,” I said but she kept staring out the window.  I walked over to the couch and sat down, staring at her.  I started to wonder what I got myself into. 
            “Alice, time for dinner.  Alice,” I said and I looked across the room to see her stills staring outside the window.  I looked at the clock to realize that she had been standing there for six hours. 
“Alice, this is not healthy,” I told her as I walked over.  I stood next to her and looked out the window to see the rush hour. 
“Alice, it’s time for dinner.  Can you sit at the table?” I asked.  Alice did not respond but turned around and walked over to the table on the other side of the room.  She sat down and waited. 
“I made macaroni and cheese.  Your favorite,” I told her and I put the dish in front of her. 
“What do you want to drink?”
“Milk,” she said and I got out milk and poured it into a glass.  I got my food and sat down next to her.  She smelled the food before she ate and she did not complain.  She seemed to enjoy the meal and I was happy. 
            When the clock said eight at night, Alice sat down the couch and turned the TV on to cartoons.
“TV time,” she said and sat very still. 
“Okay,” I said and I sat down next to her to watch.  For thirty minutes we watched Spongebob and then we watched iCarly.  When the clock said it was nine at night, Alice turned off the TV and started to whine. 
“What’s wrong?” I asked her. 
“Brush teeth,” she said.  I grabbed her bag and dig around for her toothbrush and toothpaste.  She was about to scream when I found them.  I calmed her down and gave her the toothbrush and toothpaste.  She walked into the bathroom and started to brush her teeth. 
“Pajamas,” she said and I got them for her.  When she change the clock said it was nine fifteen at night.  She just stood in front of me.
“Now what?” I asked her. 
“Bed,” and she walked to the couch, got her blankly, a blanket to cover herself, and a pillow.  She laid herself down and closed her eyes.  Right away she fell asleep.  I went to my room and turned on my small TV to watch the News and adult television.  I fell asleep while the TV was on sleep mode to turn off at midnight. 
            I woke up to quietness in the apartment.  I looked at my clock and saw that it was eleven in the morning.  I struggled to get up, but I did and walked into the main room where the kitchen and television room were in.  I walked into the kitchen and started to make myself coffee.  I open my cabinet and found tofu that I could cook with spinach.  Then I thought it was too quiet. 
“Alice,” I said and I turned around, expecting her to still be sleeping.  That was when I notice that she was not on the couch. 
“Alice?” I said and I looked down the hall but the bathroom door was open with no one in it. 
“Alice, this isn’t funny,” I said and I looked in all the tight spaces, but she was not there.  That was when that I saw that the door was unlocked.  I ran into my room, put a pair of pants on and a shirt along with socks and shoes.  I then ran out the door and down the stairs. 
            I got into my car and drove all around town looking for her.  I did not see her anywhere on the streets of town.  Then I called 9-1-1 and that was when I met with a police officer and gave him a description and telling him that she was autistic.  I continued to look for her. 
            Alice had been missing for over five hours and my heart started to drop.  I lost my parents; I did not want to lose my sister too.  At around four thirty I got a call from the police.  They found Alice at a park in Woodcliff Lake and I started to drive there, while going over the speed limit.
            When I arrived at the park I saw Alice sitting on a bench with an officer.  When I walked up to the officer I told him who I was and showed him my ID to prove that I was her brother.  He told me that she had not move since he got there and told me to keep an eye on her.  I thank him for his service and he walked away.  I saw that Alice was staring at the ducks in the pond.
“Alice we need to talk,” but she did not respond or turn to me, “you cannot run off or leave the apartment without telling me where you are going.  I was worried about you.  Did you ever do this to mom and dad?” again no response, “well, mom and dad are gone and I am taking their place to take care of you, so if you never went off without mom and dad, then you can not go off without me.  Do you understand?” Then she pointed.
“I know, ducks,” I said very upset.  I was starting to think that she did not listen to me at all.
“Not ducks,” she said and I was confused.
“I do not understand,” I told her and stared at the ducks more closely but I saw nothing.
“Family,” she said and I saw what she was pointing at.  There was a pair of ducks together with three little ducklings. 
“Mommy, daddy, and babies,” Alice said. 
“Yes,” I responded.
“Mom and dad,” That was when I started to remember.  Our parents used to take us to this park when we were children.  Alice was very young; I did not think that she would remember when mom and dad used to take us there.   When I started high school, we stopped doing things as a family. 
“Let’s go home,” I said and Alice got up from the bench and walked towards the car. 
            The alarm clock went off at six thirty and I quickly got dressed and walked into the main room, were Alice was just starting to get up.  She walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth and put her clothes on for the day.  I started to cook for the both of us and when Alice got out of the bathroom I put our breakfast on the table.
“Waffle,” said Alice. 
“We don’t have waffles.  We ran out, I’m sorry.  I forgot to go out and buy some.  I have tofu.  It’s really good,” I told her.
“Waffle!” she yelled and threw the plate on the floor. 
“Alice we don’t have waffles!” I yelled at her and she began to scream and threw herself on the floor.  She was kicking and screaming. 
“Alice we can’t do this today!  I have to get to work!” I yelled at her but she did not listen.  She continued to scream and I started to get a headache and did not know what to do.  I sat at the table and started to eat my breakfast, trying to ignore her tantrum. 
“Alice, shut up!” I screamed at her but she did not stop.  I could not enjoy my breakfast so when I ate as much as I could I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and got ready for the day. 
“Alice we need to leave,” I told her but she just lay on the ground, “Alice, please.  Don’t make this difficult,” but she did not respond.  Just then there was a knock on the door and the police were there.
“Sir, we got reports of screaming and what seemed to be kicking and yelling,” said the officer.
“Officer, it’s just my sister.  She’s having a tantrum.  Nothing is wrong, everything is okay,” I told him.
“How old is your sister?”
“Sixteen.  She’s autistic,”
“May we come in?” I nodded at them and they entered.  They found Alice lying on the floor and asked her questions but she did not respond. 
“Officers, I’m sorry but I have to get to work and I need to drop her off at school,” The officers wrote up a report and decided that everything was fine.  It was a little bit pass seven, I was late. 
            I left the school around three forty-five to pick up Alice from her school at four.  When I got there I saw police everywhere.  I parked and quickly got out of my car. 
“Officer, what’s going on?” I asked hoping that Alice was all right. 
“A child went missing,” he said and I could only imagine who the missing child was. 
“Mr. Cauliflow,” said one of the teachers who saw me and I recognized her as Alice’s teacher. 
“What happen?” I asked her.
“It was time for the children to go home and Alice went with an aide to go to the after school program.  One minute she was there and then she was gone.  I’m so sorry,”
“What do you mean she was just gone?  How could you lose a child?”
“I do not know,” and then I saw the officers interviewing a young woman and I walked over to her.
“Are you the aide who lost Alice?” I asked her. 
“Yes, I am so sorry.  I turned around for a second while I picking up other children and she was gone.  I thought she walked to the after school classroom by herself but she was not there.  We checked everywhere,”
“Who are you?” asked the officer interviewing the aide.
“I am Jake Cauliflow, the guardian of Alice Cauliflow.  She’s my sister,” I told him. 
            I sat in the police station drinking coffee.  Wondering where my sister was and why she walked away from school.  After about two hours, the police said that they found her and that she was in front of the apartment.  When they ask her what she was doing, she told them that she was waiting for her brother because the door was lock. 
“Why did she go to my apartment?  How did she get there?” I asked them.
“She said that she walked and that the apartment was her home,” I was touch that she called the apartment her home.  I did not think that she would get used to it after two months. 
“But why did she go there?” I asked them.
“She said that her teacher said ‘it’s time to go home, class’ so she thought she had to go home,” At this we all laughed.  I waited until the police car arrived to the station with Alice and I walked outside to hug her. 
“72 Ridgewood Road, Ridgewood NJ, apartment 203,” was the first thing she told me. 
“Right,” I said to her and I gave her another big hug. 
“Mr. Cauliflow,” said a voice and I turned around to face an officer I never saw before but I could tell by his badges that he was a high-ranking officer.
“Yes officer,” I responded.
“We have reports of your sister missing and a report of disturbing the peace, all within two months,” he said.
“She’s autistic, sir.  She can’t help it if she misunderstands directions or cries over not having her food at home.  She does not understand the world like you and I do,”
“I know Mr. Cauliflow, however, if we get another call or report within the next month, we will have to call social services,”
“I’m sorry Mr. Cauliflow, but we can’t keep doing this for one kid, autistic or not,” and he walked away without me replying.  I turned around to see Alice behind me and she gave me a hug. 
“I will not let them take you,” I told her. 
“Family,” she said. 
“Yes, we are a family.  Let’s go home,”
            I change my schedule for Alice and my hours at the high school.  I drop a club I was doing to spend more time with Alice and stopped going to parties to have fun with the other young teachers. I discovered that it was time to grow up and take responsibilities for my sister.  We played games, did art, watch cartoons, and I taught her how to be careful around the kitchen and what not to touch.  When we went out, she always stayed near me and if she wanted to go somewhere, she would ask. 
            One weekend I took Alice to the zoo and another time I took her into the city to the Museum of Natural History and she enjoyed it.  We both had a good time and for the first time, she tried a food she never had before, a New York style hotdog. 
            I realized that Alice was a great kid and that she was gentle and kind.  She cared about me and I cared about her.  We started to grow on each other and I promised that I would protect her, as a big brother should.  We became pals and much more closer than any other siblings. 
            It was the weekend and I realized that we were out of tofu and waffles.  We were also out of milk and other juices. 
“Alice, we need to go to Kings,” I told her but she shook her head.
“TV time.  Saturdays at noon,” she told me.
“I know, but I can not leave you home alone,” but she ignore me.  I was starving and the only thing we had was vegan food, however Alice would throw a fit if she discovered that her food was not in the fridge. 
“Alice I forgot to go out last night.  We only have my vegan food for brunch,”
“Waffle!” she yelled.
“I know, I know,” I told her and I sat there thinking. 
“Alice, Kings is right across the street.  I am going to get us more food for this morning and for dinner.  Whatever you do, do not leave this apartment.  I will be back soon, okay?” But she did not reply and I went out and across the street to get food.  But I was shock to see how busy Kings was.  I ran up and down the aisles looking for food for both Alice and I along with drinks.  I got on line for the register when I looked at my watch and it was almost two!  I could not believe I was shopping that long, but Alice was very picky.  She could not have certain milk (like skim milk) and she could not have certain waffles (like blueberries or chocolate).  As for myself, I needed to get vegan food. 
“There’s a fire!” someone yelled and I immediately looked around.  People started to run outside but I did not see a fire.  I left my stuff there and ran outside to get away, thinking the fire was in the back of the store.  But when I got outside I saw that everybody stopped. 
“There!” someone yelled and I noticed that he was pointing in a different directions.  The fire was not at Kings, but at my apartment!  On the third floor! 
            The police and fire department arrived as quickly as possible, I moved my way through the crowd and the officers recognized me as Alice’s brother.
“Where’s the girl?” They asked.
“I left her in the apartment.  What happened?” I asked.
“We do not know where the fire started.  You left her alone?”
“Just this once.  I needed to get food and drinks otherwise she would throw another tantrum,” The firemen got on the latter and started climbing into the windows and some used the fire escaped. 
“What room?” asked the police officers.
“203,” I told them and they made that room a priority, telling the firemen that a special needs child was in there.  I watch as they went to the window of my apartment.  A fireman went inside and I told the police officers to tell him to be careful and cautious because Alice did not like strangers.  I watched, hoping that the firemen would be able to save her.  It felt like hours until I saw the firemen carry out a body and started to climb down.
“Alice!  Alice!” I yelled over and over again.  When the firemen came down, he handed my sister over to the medics who arrived.  I walked over and I watch the medics give my sister CPR. 
“Is she going to be alright?” I asked but no one answered me and another medic told me to back up. 
“Alice!  Alice!  It’s Jake!  Please Alice, don’t die!  Alice!” I screamed with tears going down my cheek.  When I thought she was dead she started to cough. 
“She alive,” the medics said and they put her on a gurney to bring her to the hospital.  I got in the ambulance with my sister, holding her hand. 
“Alice?  Alice, you’re okay, do you hear me?  You’re going to be okay.  We are going to the hospital.  You’ll have to be good, they will help you.  Trust them okay?  Trust them for me, for your brother,” I told her.  She looked in my directions and in a soft voice said
            The hospital supplied her with oxygen and put an IV in her arm.  She did not fight back and felt most comfortable when I was with her.  I sat by her side and turned on the television when it was her TV time.  When she was bored I read her favorite stories to her such as “Where the Wild Things Are”, “Goodnight Moon”, “Arrow to the Sun”, “Grimm’s Fairytales,” and even parts of “Alice in Wonderland”.  The hospital wanted to keep her over night to treat some of her burns and they allowed me to stay with her. 
            The next morning I was surprised to see the officers there with get-well cards, flowers, and waffles.  I thank them and even Alice thanked them, which made them smile.  But the high-ranking officer was there with a serious face on. 
“Mr. Cauliflow, may I speak to you,” he said and I got up, leaving Alice in the care of the police officers. 
“Yes, sir?” I asked.
“We discovered the source of the fire,” he said and I somehow knew how the fire started.
“It started in my apartment, didn’t it?”
“Yes, from your stove.  Some one was trying to cook tofu and spinach,” at this I smiled but it quickly faded away.  
“What now?”
“Social services.  I do not know what they will do but they will arrive any minute now to this hospital to talk to you.  I’m sorry,” he said and walked away.  I walked back into the room to see Alice with a smile on around the officers.  I put a smile on, to enjoy what might be our last moment together. 
            The social worker arrived and wanted to speak to Alice alone and I sat outside the room and I was hoping that Alice would remain silent.  After thirty minutes the social worker came out to talk to me.
“Do you know why she started the fire?” she asked me.
“I did not have enough time to ask her,” I told her.
“She was hungry and wanted to cook a special meal for you.  Did you know that according to the evidence she had enough time to get out of the apartment and onto the side walk to safety?”
“Well she did not because you told her to ‘not leave the apartment’ so she stayed there until fire was around her and she fainted.  She could had been seriously injured or even dead,”
“I know.  Listen I had to go out and buy food and drinks.  She won’t eat certain foods and drink certain things,”
“Did you teach her to cook, Mr. Cauliflow?”
“A bit,”
“With the stove?”
“She’s seen me use it,”
“Mr. Cauliflow, you work as a high school English teacher and working as an English teacher you have to work both inside and outside the school.  Besides that, you are barely making ends meet,”
“So, this does not look good for you.  Especially that the police has been called because of your sister, now four times within two months.  You see that this is bad,”
“So what are you going to do?  Take her away?”
“I will need Alice to come with me.  I did a background check and I do not believe this is the best fit for Alice.  She needs more structure and according to the record she does not receive any special needs because you can not afford it,”
“She attends a special needs school, I pay for that!”
“It’s not enough.  The school you send her to is target towards children with Down syndrome and mental retardation, which Alice does not have,”
“It was the closes and cheapest school that I could afford,”
“Exactly.  Tomorrow, Mr. Cauliflow, when Alice is release from the hospital she will come with me and I will find a better and more suitable home for her.  I believe you have relatives who can take care of her,”
“No, you can’t do that.  I’ll never see her.  They live at least five hours away from here.  They are strict and won’t be able to handle her,”
“Excuse me Mr. Cauliflow, it is my final decision,”
            It rained the next day and Alice was able to go home.  However she was not returning to the home that she thought she was going to.  At the entrance of the hospital were may aunt and uncle with the social worker. 
“Can you give us a few minutes?” I asked them.
“Two minutes tops, we have a busy schedule,” said my aunt.  I looked at Alice and zipped up her coat and put her hat on. 
“Are you cold?” I asked her.
“No,” she said.  I stared at her face to face, even though she was not looking at me. 
“Alice, you are going to live with auntie and uncle, okay?” she started to whine, “listen, listen, listen.  It’s not your fault.  You did nothing wrong.  Listen to me, you did nothing wrong.  I did.  I could not take care of you.  I can’t give you the things you need like a school that can help you or an aide.  I can’t give you any of those,”
“No.  Do not want to go,” she said whining. 
“Alice, sister, please listen.  No matter what, I love you.  I will try to get you back.  I love you, I love you.  I will not give up.  We will be together some day and if not, I promise I will visit,” We both gave each other a big hug. 
“It’s time to go dear,” my aunt said and my uncle took Alice by the hand.  Alice pulled her hand away and gave me a hug.  That was when I saw tears go down her eyes. 
“Alice, dear.  We have a busy schedule.  We must leave.  Jake will be able to visit you,” said my aunt and this time my uncle grabbed her by the arm. 
“Don’t struggle,” he said.  He took Alice away from me and Alice started to scream and kick. 
“Stop,” I said but an officer held me back.  My uncle put her in the car and put on a special seat belt for her.  Alice continued to scream and kick.  She tried to get the seatbelt off her but she could not and continue screaming. 
“Jake!” I heard her yell and she continued to yell my name.  Then the car door closed and my aunt and uncle got in the car and started to drive away. 
“Wait!” I yelled and I started to run. 
“Mr. Cauliflow!” yelled the caseworker but I pretended to not hear her.  I ran towards the car all the way to the end of the block. 
“She’s my sister!” I yelled but no one heard me.  When I got to the corner, I watched the car turned onto the road and took off at forty miles per hour.  I stood there crying. 
“She’s my sister,” I said and then the rain got heavier and thunder grew louder. 
            It was a couple days before Thanksgiving when I got the call from the social worker.  I got a raised from my job, received money from a generous fundraiser, and moved into a better apartment.  I was able to save enough money for Alice’s special needs.  Although it was fall, it was a nice, warm, sunny day.  I watched as the car drove into the driveway of the apartments.  When the car came to a complete stop, the caseworker got out and opened the door to let Alice out.  When Alice saw me she ran to me and gave me a hug. 
“I love you,” I told her.
“I love you too, Jake,” We were never separated again.  

Cauac Sky

            Long ago before anyone knew that the continent of the Americas existed lived people whose ideas and knowledge could surpass those of Europe.  Among these people were many groups that lived across the continent.  In far North were the Eskimos and in the far South were the Incas.  In other regions were the Iroquois, Lakota, Pueblo, Aztec, and my own ancestors, the Maya. 
            According to the bible, Moses led the slaves out of Egypt after God sent plagues among the Egyptian.  After crossing the Red Sea, the Hebrews became free.  After many years, the Hebrews were finally free.  Did you know that in the Americas there was a Moses?  His story has been lost for generations and only a few know the story.  This is the story of Cauac Sky from Quiriguá. 

            The people of Quiriguá got up before the sun rose.  The soldiers went into their city-state and gathered all the men and boys for work.  The soldiers guided them to the city-state of Copán, where all the power was.  Once the men and boys got there, they were sent to work. 
            By mid-day the most of the people of Copán would be up.  The priest and nobles would go down to look at the slaves.  Watching them build to see who was weak and who was strong.  Some nobles spoke to the soldiers and paid them to give them a slave. 
“I need a slave for my son.  He will be ten soon.  A young one will do,” said a noblewoman.  The soldier went among the boys and took one by the arm.  The boy struggle to be free from his grip but if failed.  The boy cried for his father who yelled back but another soldier whipped his father for his disobediences. 
“How is this boy ma’am?” asked the soldier.  The woman looked at the boy’s body, his muscles, and his teeth. 
“How old is he?”
“About eight,”
“He’s perfect.  Here’s the money,” and the noblewoman handed it to the soldier.  The noblewoman’s servant took the boy by the arm and dragged him along.  The boy would probably never see his family ever again.  His father wept. 
            In the late afternoon the women and girls would arrive with food and water for the men and boys.  After lunch, the women and girls were put to work.  The women helped the men and the girls helped the boys.  Although they brought over food, the soldiers ate most of it and drank most of the water.  Some families weep over the lost of their love ones who were sold.  No one went home until it was dark.  Once at home they ate their dinner (if they had any), wash, clean their wounds, and then went to sleep.  But before falling asleep, they prayed to the Gods to get them out of slavery.  The next day will be the same as the day before.

            A sacred festival for the God Itzamna, was arriving and everyone in Copán was preparing for the festival.  However, the Emperor of Copán was having a terrible dream for the past couple of days.
“Priest!  What does this dream mean?  Why do the Gods torture me?” asked the Emperor.
“The Gods are not punishing you, it is a warning,” said a priest.
“A warning?  Of what?”
“The warning is about a person from Quiriguá,”
“A slave?”
“Yes, this person will destroy your dynasty,”
“No!  That shall not happen!  I will prevent this from happening.  Who is this person?”
“A child,”
“A child?”
“A young child.  An baby,”
“A baby?” and the Emperor was thinking about how to prevent this evil prophecy. “Call my general,” he said and at once his general arrived.
“My Lord, what is your will,”
“Kill the children of Quiriguá,” The general was shocked that the Emperor would want to kill slaves; after all they needed them for work. 
“Yes my Lord,”
“My Lord?”
“Kill any child that is four and under,”
“Yes my Lord,” and the general left to share the news with his army. 
            A few days before the Emperor’s decision, a woman in Quiriguá gave birth to a son.  Her whole family was happy because it was her first-born son.  Her husband, parents, and in-laws rejoiced.  But one night, the woman received a message from the goddess, Ixchel.
“Your child is in danger, young maiden.  Listen to me; your child will bring your people out of slavery.  Take him into the jungle and leave him under a tree, far away from the city-state.  Do it tomorrow, I promise, I will watch over your son.  He will be safe,”
            The next day when her husband went off with the men, the woman took her son into the jungle.  She lied to soldiers saying that she wanted to go into the jungle to find fruit for her husband.  The soldier warned her that if she did not return within a few minutes that he will go after her with the dogs.  The woman went as far as possible while hiding her son in the basket she was carrying. 
            She found the tree and opened her basket to look at her son one last time.  She kissed his forehead and sang a soft lullaby.  She wanted to leave something with him, but knew that if she did they would know where he came from and would kill him.  So all she left him were her tears.  She took him out of the basket and wrapped him in the most expensive cloth she had and left him under the tree.  She filled the basket with fruit and returned to her city-state. 
            That night, when everyone was sleeping, the soldiers with their swords went throughout Quirigua, killing any child four and under, regardless of age. Men fought back to protect their families but died in the process because they did not have weapons.  Woman also fought back but instead broke down and cried.  In less than thirty minutes, all the young children of Quiriguá were killed and from Copán, the people could hear the cries of the slaves but saw it as a victory for Copán and celebrated. 
            The following morning of the massacre, the Emperor’s youngest daughter went out into the jungle to gather fruits with her servants.  While picking fruits she heard a cry.  She followed the cry to a tree where a baby was underneath. 
“Where did you come from?” she asked the child as she picked him up.  She cradled him and he stopped crying and gave her a smile. 
“Princess, what did you find?” asked her trusted servant.
“A child, that was left her for me,” she answered.
“It’s a sign from the Gods.  This child truly came from the Gods.  The daughter of the Emperor to have a child of the Gods.  It shows that her family is favored by the Gods,” Said all the servants.  The princess smiled at the child and started to walk home with her servants.
“Princess, what will you name the child?”
“Cauac Sky,”

            Cauac Sky grew up in the palace with his adopted family in Copán.  Cauac Sky was seen as a miracle child since the Princess never had any other children with her husband, whom she married when Cauac Sky was about two years old.  Cauac Sky’s father loved his son and saw a great future for him.  Cauac Sky was gifted in learning and could learn anything.  Although he would never become Emperor, his grandfather favored him over his own son since his own son had a short temper.  The Emperor’s son saw Cauac Sky as a stuck up but Cauac Sky could careless. 
            When Cauac Sky was about twenty his grandfather took him to where the slaves were building the step pyramids.  On that day, his grandfather told him that he wanted Cauac Sky to over see the buildings being built.  Cauac Sky was about twenty when he received a vision from the Gods.
“Cauac Sky, my dear child.  Someday you will be great, but you will not be Emperor of Copan.  You are to free the slaves.  Do not forget.  You must free the slaves.  You will learn the truth from your mother.  Do not forget.  Do not forget,”
            Cauac Sky woke up frighten and the next day visited his mother and asked her to tell him of his birth.  Since he was twenty, his mother decided to tell him the truth, thinking it was time.
“I never gave birth to you,” she told him.
“Where did I come from?  Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You were found under a tree in the jungle.  I was afraid to tell you,”
“But, who am I?”
“You are Cauac Sky, my son and I love you.  Does it matter if we are not blood related?  There was a reason why you were left there.  The Gods wanted us to meet; the Gods wanted you to be part of this family.  Never question the Gods, my son,” and his mother hugged him but Cauac Sky still felt hurt and wanted to know more. 
            Cauac Sky spent the whole day in the temples praying and again, he heard the voices of the Gods.  They told him to go to a certain area of his grandfather’s tomb.  So at night, Cauac Sky went out to looked at his grandfather’s unfinished tomb.  He walked in carefully, making sure not to ruin anything and he found it.  A painting of his grandfather ordering the deaths of the children of Quiriguá. 
“No! It can’t be!” yelled Cauac Sky, “I am not a child of a slave!  I am a Prince of Copán!  No!  Please, my Gods don’t let it be so!” and he wept in front of the picture.  His grandfather, who he thought was a great man, was also a murder of humans.  They were not even sacrifice as the Gods taught the people.  They were just slaughter.  Cauac Sky discovered that he could not go home and ran into the jungle without saying a good-bye.

            After traveling as alone traveler, Cauac Sky met a band of entertainers traveling from city-state to city-state.  The people were always happy and energetic.  Every day they woke up together, worked together, ate together, and slept together.  No one kept secrets and they honored life and the Gods.  Everyone helped one another and even helped those who were lost on the road and shared their foods with people who were starving.  In this band of travelers Cauac Sky learned to play instruments and how to hunt animals.  As always, Cauac Sky could learn anything easily.  The band of travelers was happy to have him with them and Cauac Sky was happy being with them. 
            In this group, Cauac Sky met a woman a couple of years younger then himself.  The two got along and fell in love.  After living in the group for seven years, Cauac Sky married and was so happy. 
            One day when Cauac Sky was hunting he wandered away from the group because he thought he saw a nice fat deer.  He chased after it and yelled at the others, but they could not hear him.  After chasing the deer, Cauac Sky stopped and realized that it was not a deer but a black jaguar! 
“Cauac Sky,” it said and Cauac Sky got on his knees.
“My God,” he said. 
“Cauac Sky, I am one of the Gods of your ancestors.  It is time for you to return to Copán,”
“What must I do?”
“Go and free the slaves.  Say to the Emperor ‘Let my people go’ but be aware that the Emperor will not listen,”
“They will not listen to me,”
“They will, that is why we choice you, Cauac Sky.  This is your destiny, it was chosen for you before you were born.  Go and free Quiriguá,” and then Cauac Sky watched as the black jaguar ran into the sky, heading towards Paradise where the Gods lived.
            That night at dinner, Cauac Sky told his vision to the members of his new family.  The leader went up to Cauac Sky and told him that he must do what the Gods plan for him because that is his destiny.  Before going to bed Cauac Sky prayed to the Gods for guidance but he did not receive anything and then he went to his wife. 
“Come to Quiriguá when it is safe.  I will send for you,” he told her and she agreed to stay with the group for safety.  The next morning, Cauac Sky left to return to Copán.  On his way, a talking serpent came up to him and agreed to be his walking stick and before Cauac Sky’s eyes the snake turned into a walking stick and when he picked it up, he felt the power of the Gods and knew that this indeed was his destiny! 

            Cauac Sky walked into the Palace where the Emperor was having a feast for his birthday.  There was music, dancing, food, and many noble families and priest were invited.  Cauac Sky walked in and immediately recognized his jealous uncle, 18 Rabbit.  On the right side of Emperor 18 Rabbit was a boy with a crown.  Cauac Sky saw that this boy was next in line to become Emperor and there was another boy, sitting at Emperor 18 Rabbit’s feet.  This boy was younger, probably Emperor 18 Rabbit’s youngest son. 
“Cauac Sky,” said the Emperor, “you’ve return.  Why?”
“The Gods demand that you let the slaves go,” said Cauac Sky.
“The Gods?  You are a child of Quiriguá!  You’re a liar and a trickster, just like the slaves!  You are nothing but a slave!  I am the Emperor and a descendent of the Gods by birth!  You are nothing!  Take him out and put him to work,” Before they could grab him, Cauac Sky through his walking stick onto the floor and it turned into a snake. 
            Everyone in the room went silent and stepped away in fear of the snake.  Emperor 18 Rabbit’s youngest son climbed into his lap and his oldest son stood closer to his father. 
“It’s just a trick, the priest can do that too,” he said and the priest showed their magic.  The people laughed at Cauac Sky until his snake ate the snakes of the priest. 
“This is a warning.  Let the slaves go,” but Emperor 18 Rabbit ignored him and ordered him out. 
            Cauac Sky stayed in the house of his extended family in Quiriguá since his mother was dead.  But his relatives always knew to believe in him because the Gods said that he would return to them.  The people in Quiriguá gathered around to see Cauac Sky and when Cauac Sky talked to them they still did not believe him. 
“I saw a black jaguar that could talk,” he said.  Then everyone went silent and Cauac Sky did not understand why. 
“The message,” said a voice.
“How could a man from Copán know?” said another.
“Because the Gods choose him as our way out of slavery,” said another and one by one, they bowed to Cauac Sky.  They started to ask what they must do and Cauac Sky told them to believe in the Gods. 
            The next day Cauac Sky found the Emperor and his servants at the river, blessing it in the name of Chaac to bring rain for the harvest. 
“Let the slaves go,” Cauac Sky said to Emperor 18 Rabbit. 
“Have you’ve been out in the sun too long, slave?  Let go of this stupid ambition.  The Gods are not with you!” said Emperor 18 Rabbit. 
“I will prove it!” and Cauac Sky turned the water into blood.  Everyone around Emperor 18 Rabbit screamed in fright and more screams could be heard in Copan.  Emperor 18 Rabbit ran to his youngest son who was near the water and picked him up.  His eldest son ran to his side. 
“Leave!  You are not a messenger; you are a demon from Xibalba!  Leave us be!  Get your curse out of Copán!  If not, I will defeat you in the name of the Gods!  I will not let the slaves go, demon!” Then everyone started to call Cauac Sky a demon and he left to return to Quiriguá, where the waters became pure. 
            The plagues continued in Copán and the people prayed but they got no answer.  The Gods were upset with the people in Copán.  The people had no harvest, their animals died, and they started to starve.  The people also faced a swarm of bees that enter their city-state along with mosquitoes.  They also faced hurricanes, rainstorms, and fire falling from the sky.  The people begged the Emperor 18 Rabbit to let the slaves go but he was to prideful to let them go.  His heart became stone and would not let his dynasty fall. 
            A plague came that put Copán in darkness for thirteen days and during one of these days, Cauac Sky went to the Palace to visit the Emperor in private. 
“I will let the children go,” he said.
“The men, but not the women and children,”
“They can go, but their belongings must stay,”
“No, they must be able to take everything they can carry,”
“Then I do not agree to anything,”
“I am not your uncle, slave!”
“Emperor, if you continue to keep the slaves, more plagues will come to your city-state,”
“So be it,”
“The next plague will take away something you love,”
“I do not believe you,”
“Father,” said a voice and at the front of the room was Emperor 18 Rabbit’s oldest son.
“Smoke Jaguar?  What is wrong my son?” asked Emperor 18 Rabbit looking at his son with caring eyes.
“I do not like the darkness, when will it go away?” Emperor 18 Rabbit then gave his son a hug and that was when he noticed Cauac Sky in the room.  Cauac Sky stared at the boy and the boy stared back, then Cauac Sky heard the words of the Gods. 
“Let the slaves go,” said Cauac Sky, hoping that Emperor 18 Rabbit would change his mind in front of his son.  Emperor 18 Rabbit looked at his son before answering. 
“Father?” asked Smoke Jaguar the second and then Emperor 18 Rabbit stared at Cauac Sky.
“No,” he said and Cauac Sky shook his head. 
“I’m sorry,” he said and left the Palace.  On his way out, he reach out to pat Smoke Jaguar the second, but Emperor 18 Rabbit took his hand and Cauac Sky walked away about to cry.

            After the 13 days of darkness, twenty days went by without a single plague.  The people of Copán decided to rejoice with a festival in honor of the Emperor.  The slaves started to question Cauac Sky but all he said was, “trust the Gods,” and so the people waited while doing their work.  Cauac Sky was also taken to work and was beaten much more than most men, but he lived. 
            Finally the night came when Cauac Sky received a message from the Gods.  He told the people to cut themselves and wipe a bit of their blood on the entrance to their homes.  Each member must do this to be safe; all they needed was a drop of each member’s blood.  Everyone, young and old did what they were told and wiped their blood on the entrance to their homes. 
“Why must we do this?” asked the people.
“Because Ah Puch, the God of Death will go through Copan and the few families in Quiriguá and he will snatch every first born child,”
            That night the nobles were outside, having a feast in honor of the Emperor and were seeing him as a God.  The families did not notice a fog coming in because they were too caught up in the celebration.  The adults were eating and drinking, while the children were playing with each other. 
            The Emperor was at his palace with his family members, servants, guards, and friends.  They were in the courtyard and his sons were playing ball with each other.  Everyone was having fun, joking and laughing.  But the fog crept up and the Emperor started to get a chill. 
“I must go for a walk,” he said and a few of his servants and relatives went with him.  The boys decided to stay in the courtyard to play. 
            While walking on the outside of the palace, the group noticed the fog.  They thought nothing of it until one of them started to have difficulty breathing and fell down. 
“My son!  My son!” yelled his father, as the boy was cradle in his arms.  His father started to sob and kept saying “my son!  My first born son!” The Emperor stood frozen and started to think about his own sons.  He started to run back to the courtyard with his servants and guards behind him.  His relatives stayed behind to weep with his cousin. 
“Smoke Jaguar!  Smoke Jaguar!” he yelled until he made it in the courtyard.  His sons were standing in the middle of the fog.  Smoke Jaguar stared at his father as he dropped the ball. 
“No!” and Emperor 18 Rabbit ran to catch his eldest son falling. 
“No, no, no, no, no, Smoke Jaguar.  Stay with me, my son.  My son,” he said with tears going down his cheeks.
“Father,” said Smoke Jaguar and then he was gone.  Emperor 18 Rabbit let out a loud cry.  His youngest son just stood there, amazed.  Not knowing what to do, but realized that his oldest brother was gone. 
            The next morning was a day of mourning for the lost of Copán’s children.  Boys and girls from the poorest family in Copán to the Emperor’s first-born child were dead.  Families went one by one to bury their children.  There was not a family in Copán or the few families in Quiriguá who was not mourning a lost of a child.  The children in Quiriguá survived from Ah Puch.  The Emperor called for Cauac Sky.
“You and the people of Quiriguá are free,” said Emperor 18 Rabbit.
“There is one more condition for disobeying the Gods in the first place,” said Cauac Sky, but Emperor 18 Rabbit was too upset to know what was about to come.
“Okay.  I will do anything for you to leave my city-state alone,”
“Your head,”
“No!” said the Emperor turning around to face Cauac Sky. 
“That is the last condition and you agreed to it.  This is the will of the Gods,” Just then Emperor 18 Rabbit’s youngest son was at the entrance. 
“Come here, Smoke Monkey,” said the Emperor and the boy walked over to his father.  The father got down on his knees to look at his son and gave him a hug.
“If you do not come with me the Gods will take the second most precious in your life,” said Cauac Sky giving a warning.  The Emperor stared at his youngest child and knew that he could not lose another child and that his people could not go through another lost. 
“I will do what you say, but may I talk to my son before I leave?” he asked looking at Cauac Sky.
“Yes, we will send people to get you at noon.  Then you must leave here and come to Quiriguá,”
            At noon the men arrived to get the Emperor.  The guards and relatives waited for them but they could only sit on the ground and weep for the lost of their children and now the lost of their Emperor.  Emperor 18 Rabbit walked outside with his son, Smoke Monkey in his arms.  When got towards the men, he put his son down and got on his knees to speak to him.  Then his advisors were behind him. 
“When my son becomes of age, he will be the Emperor of Copán.  Smoke Monkey, do not make the same mistakes I did and put your people first, not yourself.  I love you,” and he kissed his son on the forehead.
“I love you too, father,” said Smoke Monkey.  Emperor 18 Rabbit took the crown that used to belong to Smoke Jaguar the second and placed it on Smoke Monkey’s head, to show that he is his successor.  Then the Emperor walked with the men back to Quirigua.  Emperor 18 Rabbit heard his son call for him and was asking where he was going, but he did not turn around to show his son that he was crying. 
            Once in Quiriguá, the people celebrated for their freedom and made Cauac Sky their first Emperor.  In front of the crowd of Quiriguá Cauac Sky beheaded Emperor 18 Rabbit of Copán in the name of the Gods and the freedom of Quiriguá was sealed.  That night Cauac Sky was named Emperor Cauac Sky of Quiriguá and on that night, his wife with their first-born son arrived and everyone celebrated for their freedom.  Year later Smoke Monkey became Emperor of Copán and listened to his people and did not make any mistakes his father made. Many years later Copán and Quiriguá became friends and entered a time of peace.